Published on 2015-10-30 09:39:38 , updated 2015-10-30 09:48:25
BELGOREX sprl is a family company founded July 30, 1985 by Jean-Marie Radu. BELGOREX sprl becomes BELGOREX SA 30 December 1986. First based in Vottem, BELGOREX implants in 2007 in the industrial zone of Villers-le-Bouillet. In the center of BELGOREX, a engineering office employing about fifteen people: engineers and technicians. These are complementary and experienced in the various fields of industry. BELGOREX is easily exported and realized infrastructure worldwide. On 1 October 2004 as Belgotech, founded by Jean-Brice Radu joined BELGOREX his company and became "sister", for all the achievements requiring manufacturing equipment distribution and electric, pneumatic or automation.